Assembly Language - Algorithmica
Assembly Language

Assembly Language

CPUs are controlled with machine language, which is just a stream of binary-encoded instructions that specify

  • the instruction number (called opcode),
  • what its operands are (if there are any),
  • and where to store the result (if one is produced).

A much more human-friendly rendition of machine language, called assembly language, uses mnemonic codes to refer to machine code instructions and symbolic names to refer to registers and other storage locations.

Jumping right into it, here is how you add two numbers (*c = *a + *b) in Arm assembly:

; *a = x0, *b = x1, *c = x2
ldr w0, [x0]    ; load 4 bytes from wherever x0 points into w0
ldr w1, [x1]    ; load 4 bytes from wherever x1 points into w1
add w0, w0, w1  ; add w0 with w1 and save the result to w0
str w0, [x2]    ; write contents of w0 to wherever x2 points

Here is the same operation in x86 assembly:

; *a = rsi, *b = rdi, *c = rdx 
mov eax, DWORD PTR [rsi]  ; load 4 bytes from wherever rsi points into eax
add eax, DWORD PTR [rdi]  ; add whatever is stored at rdi to eax
mov DWORD PTR [rdx], eax  ; write contents of eax to wherever rdx points

Assembly is very simple in the sense that it doesn’t have many syntactical constructions compared to high-level programming languages. From what you can observe from the examples above:

  • A program is a sequence of instructions, each written as its name followed by a variable number of operands.
  • The [reg] syntax is used for “dereferencing” a pointer stored in a register, and on x86 you need to prefix it with size information (DWORD here means 32 bit).
  • The ; sign is used for line comments, similar to # and // in other languages.

Assembly is a very minimal language because it needs to be. It reflects the machine language as closely as possible, up to the point where there is almost 1:1 correspondence between machine code and assembly. In fact, you can turn any compiled program back into its assembly form using a process called disassembly1 — although everything non-essential like comments will not be preserved.

Note that the two snippets above are not just syntactically different. Both are optimized codes produced by a compiler, but the Arm version uses 4 instructions, while the x86 version uses 3. The add eax, [rdi] instruction is what’s called fused instruction that does a load and an add in one go — this is one of the perks that the CISC approach can provide.

Since there are far more differences between the architectures than just this one, from here on and for the rest of the book we will only provide examples for x86, which is probably what most of our readers will optimize for, although many of the introduced concepts will be architecture-agnostic.

#Instructions and Registers

For historical reasons, instruction mnemonics in most assembly languages are very terse. Back when people used to write assembly by hand and repeatedly wrote the same set of common instructions, one less character to type was one step away from insanity.

For example, mov is for “store/load a word,” inc is for “increment by 1,” mul is for “multiply,” and idiv is for “integer division.” You can look up the description of an instruction by its name in one of x86 references, but most instructions do what you’d think they do.

Most instructions write their result into the first operand, which can also be involved in the computation like in the add eax, [rdi] example we saw before. Operands can be either registers, constant values, or memory locations.

Registers are named rax, rbx, rcx, rdx, rdi, rsi, rbp, rsp, and r8-r15 for a total of 16 of them. The “letter” ones are named like that for historical reasons: rax is “accumulator,” rcx is “counter,” rdx is “data” and so on — but, of course, they don’t have to be used only for that.

There are also 32-, 16-bit and 8-bit registers that have similar names (raxeaxaxal). They are not fully separate but aliased: the lowest 32 bits of rax are eax, the lowest 16 bits of eax are ax, and so on. This is made to save die space while maintaining compatibility, and it is also the reason why basic type casts in compiled programming languages are usually free.

These are just the general-purpose registers that you can, with some exceptions, use however you like in most instructions. There is also a separate set of registers for floating-point arithmetic, a bunch of very wide registers used in vector extensions, and a few special ones that are needed for control flow, but we’ll get there in time.

Constants are just integer or floating-point values: 42, 0x2a, 3.14, 6.02e23. They are more commonly called immediate values because they are embedded right into the machine code. Because it may considerably increase the complexity of the instruction encoding, some instructions don’t support immediate values or allow just a fixed subset of them. In some cases, you have to load a constant value into a register and then use it instead of an immediate value.

Apart from numeric values, there are also string constants such as hello or world\n with their own little subset of operations, but that is a somewhat obscure corner of the assembly language that we are not going to explore here.

#Moving Data

Some instructions may have the same mnemonic, but have different operand types, in which case they are considered distinct instructions as they may perform slightly different operations and take different times to execute. The mov instruction is a vivid example of that, as it comes in around 20 different forms, all related to moving data: either between the memory and registers or just between two registers. Despite the name, it doesn’t move a value into a register, but copies it, preserving the original.

When used to copy data between two registers, the mov instruction instead performs register renaming internally — informs the CPU that the value referred by register X is actually stored in register Y — without causing any additional delay except for maybe reading and decoding the instruction itself. For the same reason, the xchg instruction that swaps two registers also doesn’t cost anything.

As we’ve seen above with the fused add, you don’t have to use mov for every memory operation: some arithmetic instructions conveniently support memory locations as operands.

#Addressing Modes

Memory addressing is done with the [] operator, but it can do more than just reinterpret a value stored in a register as a memory location. The address operand takes up to 4 parameters presented in the syntax:

SIZE PTR [base + index * scale + displacement]

where displacement needs to be an integer constant and scale can be either 2, 4, or 8. What it does is calculate the pointer base + index * scale + displacement and dereferences it.

Using complex addressing is at most one cycle slower than dereferencing a pointer directly, and it can be useful when you have, for example, an array of structures and want to load a specific field of its ii-th element.

Addressing operator needs to be prefixed with a size specifier for how many bits of data are needed:

  • BYTE for 8 bits
  • WORD for 16 bits
  • DWORD for 32 bits
  • QWORD for 64 bits

There is also a more rare TBYTE for 80 bits, and XMMWORD, YMMWORD, and ZMMWORD for 128, 256, and 512 bits respectively. All these types don’t have to be written in uppercase, but this is how most compilers emit them.

The address computation is often useful by itself: the lea (“load effective address”) instruction calculates the memory address of the operand and stores it in a register in one cycle, without doing any actual memory operations. While its intended use is for actually computing memory addresses, it is also often used as an arithmetic trick that would otherwise involve 1 multiplication and 2 additions — for example, you can multiply by 3, 5, and 9 with it.

It also frequently serves as a replacement for add because it doesn’t need a separate mov instruction if you need to move the result somewhere else: add only works in the two-register a += b mode, while lea lets you do a = b + c (or even a = b + c + d if one of them is a constant).

#Alternative Syntax

There are actually multiple assemblers (the programs that produce machine code from assembly) with different assembly languages, but only two x86 syntaxes are widely used now. They are commonly called after the two companies that used them and had a dominant influence on programming during that era:

  • The AT&T syntax, used by default by all Linux tools.
  • The Intel syntax, used by default, well, by Intel.

These syntaxes are also sometimes called GAS and NASM respectively, by the names of the two primary assemblers that use them (GNU Assembler and Netwide Assembler).

We used Intel syntax in this chapter and will continue to preferably use it for the rest of the book. For comparison, here is how the same *c = *a + *b example looks like in AT&T asm:

movl (%rsi), %eax
addl (%rdi), %eax
movl %eax, (%rdx)

The key differences can be summarized as follows:

  1. The last operand is used to specify the destination.
  2. Registers and constants need to be prefixed by % and $ respectively (e.g., addl $1, %rdx increments rdx).
  3. Memory addressing looks like this: displacement(%base, %index, scale).
  4. Both ; and # can be used for line comments, and also /* */ can be used for block comments.

And, most importantly, in AT&T syntax, the instruction names need to be “suffixed” (addq, movl, cmpq, etc.) to specify what size operands are being manipulated:

  • b = byte (8 bit)
  • w = word (16 bit)
  • l = long (32 bit integer or 64-bit floating-point)
  • q = quad (64 bit)
  • s = single (32-bit floating-point)
  • t = ten bytes (80-bit floating-point)

In Intel syntax, this information is inferred from operands (which is why you also need to specify sizes of pointers).

Most tools that produce or consume x86 assembly can do so in both syntaxes, so you can just pick the one you like more and don’t worry.

  1. On Linux, to disassemble a compiled program, you can call objdump -d {path-to-binary}↩︎