Contract Programming - Algorithmica
Contract Programming

Contract Programming

In “safe” languages like Java and Rust, you normally have well-defined behavior for every possible operation and every possible input. There are some things that are under-defined, like the order of keys in a hash table or the growth factor of an std::vector, but these are usually some minor details that are left up to implementation for potential performance gains in the future.

In contrast, C and C++ take the concept of undefined behavior to another level. Certain operations don’t cause an error during compilation or runtime but are just not allowed — in the sense of there being a contract between the programmer and the compiler, that in case of undefined behavior, the compiler is legally allowed to do literally anything, including blowing up your monitor or formatting your hard drive. But compiler engineers are not interested in doing that. Instead, undefined behavior is used to guarantee a lack of corner cases and help optimization.

#Why Undefined Behavior Exists

There are two major groups of actions that cause undefined behavior:

  • Operations that are almost certainly unintentional bugs, like dividing by zero, dereferencing a null pointer, or reading from uninitialized memory. You want to catch these as soon as possible during testing, so crashing or having some non-deterministic behavior is better than having them always do a fixed fallback action such as returning zero.

    You can compile and run a program with sanitizers to catch undefined behavior early. In GCC and Clang, you can use the -fsanitize=undefined flag, and some operations that are notorious for causing UB will be instrumented to detect it at runtime.

  • Operations that have slightly different observable behavior on different platforms. For example, the result of left-shifting an integer by more than 31 bits is undefined, because the instruction that does it is implemented differently on Arm and x86 CPUs. If you standardize one specific behavior, then all programs compiled for the other platform will have to spend a few more cycles checking for that edge case, so it is best to leave it undefined.

    Sometimes, when there is a legitimate use case for some platform-specific behavior, instead of declaring it undefined, it can be left implementation-defined. For example, the result of right-shifting a negative integer depends on the platform: it either shifts in zeros or ones (e.g., right-shifting 11010110 = -42 by one may mean either 01101011 = 107 or 11101011 = -21, both use cases being realistic).

Designating something as undefined instead of implementation-defined behavior also helps compilers in optimization. Consider the case of signed integer overflow. On almost all architectures, signed integers overflow the same way as unsigned ones, with INT_MAX + 1 == INT_MIN, and yet, this is undefined behavior according to the C++ standard. This is very much intentional: if you disallow signed integer overflow, then (x + 1) > x is guaranteed to be always true for int, but not for unsigned int, because (x + 1) may overflow. For signed types, this lets compilers optimize such checks away.

As a more naturally occurring example, consider the case of a loop with an integer control variable. Modern C++ and languages like Rust encourage programmers to use an unsigned integer (size_t / usize), while C programmers stubbornly keep using int. To understand why, consider the following for loop:

for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    // ...

How many times does this loop execute? There are technically two valid answers: $n$ and infinity, the second being the case if $n$ exceeds $2^{32}$ so that $i$ keeps resetting to zero every $2^{32}$ iterations. While the former is probably the one assumed by the programmer, to comply with the language spec, the compiler still has to insert additional runtime checks and consider the two cases, which should be optimized differently. Meanwhile, the int version would make exactly $n$ iterations because the very possibility of a signed overflow is defined out of existence.

#Removing Corner Cases

The “safe” programming style usually involves making a lot of runtime checks, but they do not have to come at the cost of performance.

For example, Rust famously uses bounds checking when indexing arrays and other random access structures. In C++ STL, vector and array have an “unsafe” [] operator and a “safe” .at() method that goes something like this:

T at(size_t k) {
    if (k >= size())
        throw std::out_of_range("Array index exceeds its size");
    return _memory[k];

Interestingly, these checks are rarely actually executed during runtime because the compiler can often prove — during compile time — that each access will be within bounds. For example, when iterating in a for loop from 1 to the array size and indexing $i$-th element on each step, nothing illegal can possibly happen, so the bounds checks can be safely optimized away.


When the compiler can’t prove the inexistence of corner cases, but you can, this additional information can be provided using the mechanism of undefined behavior.

Clang has a helpful __builtin_assume function where you can put a statement that is guaranteed to be true, and the compiler will use this assumption in optimization. In GCC, you can do the same with __builtin_unreachable:

void assume(bool pred) {
    if (!pred)

For instance, you can put assume(k < vector.size()) before at in the example above, and then the bounds check will be optimized away.

It is also quite useful to combine assume with assert and static_assert to find bugs: you can use the same function to check preconditions in the debug build and then use them to improve performance in the production build.


Corner cases are something you should keep in mind, especially when optimizing arithmetic.

For floating-point arithmetic, this is less of a concern because you can just disable strict standard compliance with the -ffast-math flag (which is also included in -Ofast). You almost have to do it anyway because otherwise, the compiler can’t do anything but execute arithmetic operations in the same order as in the source code without any optimizations.

For integer arithmetic, this is different because the results always have to be exact. Consider the case of division by 2:

unsigned div_unsigned(unsigned x) {
    return x / 2;

A widely known optimization is to replace it with a single right shift (x >> 1):

shr eax

This is certainly correct for all positive numbers, but what about the general case?

int div_signed(int x) {
    return x / 2;

If x is negative, then simply shifting doesn’t work — regardless of whether shifting is done in zeros or sign bits:

  • If we shift in zeros, we get a non-negative result (the sign bit is zero).
  • If we shift in sign bits, then rounding will happen towards negative infinity instead of zero (-5 / 2 will be equal to -3 instead of -2)1.

So, for the general case, we have to insert some crutches to make it work:

mov  ebx, eax
shr  ebx, 31    ; extract the sign bit
add  eax, ebx   ; add 1 to the value if it is negative to ensure rounding towards zero
sar  eax        ; this one shifts in sign bits

When only the positive case is what was intended, we can also use the assume mechanism to eliminate the possibility of negative x and avoid handling this corner case:

int div_assume(int x) {
    assume(x >= 0);
    return x / 2;

Although in this particular case, perhaps the best syntax to express that we only expect non-negative numbers is to use an unsigned integer type.

Because of nuances like this, it is often beneficial to expand the algebra in intermediate functions and manually simplify arithmetic yourself rather than relying on the compiler to do it.

#Memory Aliasing

Compilers are quite bad at optimizing operations that involve memory reads and writes. This is because they often don’t have enough context for the optimization to be correct.

Consider the following example:

void add(int *a, int *b, int n) {
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        a[i] += b[i];

Since each iteration of this loop is independent, it can be executed in parallel and vectorized. But is it, technically?

There may be a problem if the arrays a and b intersect. Consider the case when b == a + 1, that is, if b is just a memory view of a starting from its second element. In this case, the next iteration depends on the previous one, and the only correct solution is to execute the loop sequentially. The compiler has to check for such possibilities even if the programmer knows they can’t happen.

This is why we have const and restrict keywords. The first one enforces that we won’t modify memory with the pointer variable, and the second is a way to tell the compiler that the memory is guaranteed to not be aliased.

void add(int * __restrict__ a, const int * __restrict__ b, int n) {
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        a[i] += b[i];

These keywords are also a good idea to use by themselves for the purpose of self-documenting.

#C++ Contracts

Contract programming is an underused but very powerful technique.

There is a late-stage proposal to add design-by-contract into the C++ standard in the form of contract attributes, which are functionally equivalent to our hand-made, compiler-specific assume:

T at(size_t k) [[ expects: k < n ]] {
    return _memory[k];

There are 3 types of attributes — expects, ensures, and assert — respectively used for specifying pre- and post-conditions in functions and general assertions that can be put anywhere in the program.

Unfortunately, this exciting new feature is not yet finally standardized, let alone implemented in a major C++ compiler. But maybe, in a few years, we will be able to write code like this:

bool is_power_of_two(int m) {
    return m > 0 && (m & (m - 1) == 0);

int mod_power_of_two(int x, int m)
    [[ expects: x >= 0 ]]
    [[ expects: is_power_of_two(m) ]]
    [[ ensures r: r >= 0 && r < m ]]
    int r = x & (m - 1);
    [[ assert: r = x % m ]];
    return r;

Some forms of contract programming are also available in other performance-oriented languages such as Rust and D.

A general and language-agnostic advice is to always inspect the assembly that the compiler produced, and if it is not what you were hoping for, try to think about corner cases that may be limiting the compiler from optimizing it.

  1. Fun fact: in Python, integer-dividing a negative number for some reason floors the result, so that -5 // 2 = -3 and equivalent to -5 >> 1 = -3. I doubt that Guido van Rossum had this optimization in mind when initially designing the language, but, theoretically, a JIT-compiled Python program with many divisions by two may be faster than an analogous C++ program. ↩︎